Friday, November 18, 2011


WE as parents are the only ones that can encourage our kids, & make a difference on their life... we guide, we teach, we role, that's the TRULY & ONLY help & job we got.... [aR] **for kids 10-18** 68 Hours Left to Start a Movement 16 Remarkable Talks From Local Game Changers 1 Unforgettable Day

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Woman's take on the Industry of ART

[An Intimate Affair, Brooke Shaden] I think I became a fan of photography in paper with this image that I bump into last week of Brooke Shaden, besides the feminine approach in art. I you like to follow Brooke, here is her next exposition dates at and also her website

Marc by Marc Jacobs

Soo, I fell in love with ring #7 which is Marc by Marc Jacobs, beautiful bulky piece impossible to find... Literally.... & u know why??? Because its a bracelet not a ring!

Marion Godart-Red Panther Bracelet... GORGEOUS!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

iPhone 4S is coming out on October 14th!

So finally next iPhone is coming out!!!! You can start ordering at 1-800-MY-APPLE or also available in store at 8am on Oct.14.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"The Social Network" Movie is a must if you haven't watch it....

A few days ago, I bumped into this movie, and it actually gave me a taste or sense of Inspiration, is doubt-less that passion will take you anywhere without limits. If you haven't do watch it. It is a must! The paste of the movie is very slow, but because you do have to understand and digest each of the scenes to relate the whole movie; is a very interesting movie, that shows to detail the most important sides of this whole Legal Process, but quite focussing on the success of Mark Zuckerberg. If you sit down with no expectations and with an open mind you'll be able to filter exactly the meaning of the film. Enjoy!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pleasure to your palate if you like Sushi & Robata... was there on Saturday night, & was impressed withe their subtle but addicting food. Total Recommendation!! 858 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach, 949.793.4030,

Monday, June 6, 2011

Time to Start Again.

Everyday can be the beginning of a New Year & brand new goals, here is some help to manage your time accurately. Enjoy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Iranian American Bar Association
San Diego Chapter

Third Annual Fundraising Event to Celebrate Persian New Year “Norooz” and raise funds for future IABA-SD Chapter Programs...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Orange County Restaurant Week 2011

February 27 ~ March 5 

Celebrate Restaurant Week at OC's Top 100 Restaurants

Restaurant Week Launch Party

The only thing to make for dinner this week is call us & we make your reservations, just for you to enjoy the délicatesse & fine cuisine.