Friday, November 18, 2011


WE as parents are the only ones that can encourage our kids, & make a difference on their life... we guide, we teach, we role, that's the TRULY & ONLY help & job we got.... [aR] **for kids 10-18** 68 Hours Left to Start a Movement 16 Remarkable Talks From Local Game Changers 1 Unforgettable Day

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Woman's take on the Industry of ART

[An Intimate Affair, Brooke Shaden] I think I became a fan of photography in paper with this image that I bump into last week of Brooke Shaden, besides the feminine approach in art. I you like to follow Brooke, here is her next exposition dates at and also her website

Marc by Marc Jacobs

Soo, I fell in love with ring #7 which is Marc by Marc Jacobs, beautiful bulky piece impossible to find... Literally.... & u know why??? Because its a bracelet not a ring!

Marion Godart-Red Panther Bracelet... GORGEOUS!

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