Friday, March 9, 2012

A little help for this week

Accept ur defaults, & commit to improve them; embrace ur skills & commit to learn + abt urself, **TRUST URSELF** because is unimaginable what u can achieve!!! <3 [aR]

Happy Friday!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Newport Center Dr,Newport Beach,United States

Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's Day

I embrace being a woman. I'm sensitive, vulnerable & strong. I am a proud mom & own up to the capacity of love & instinct to hug that responsibility. My hormones wont ever intimidate me LOL I just truly respect them a lot haha
I looove, respect & admire every single woman around me! <3
I believe firmly in FEMINITY & on the power we own in our role as a woman... not on the twisted & malinformed feminism.

Happy Day Ladies!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is a 'New York Style Bagel'?

Just came to realize that there are manyyyy styles of bagels, so for those that had no idea like me, here is some handy info when you stand on a Starbucks line wondering whats the difference:

**New York Style Bagel** contains salt and malt and is BOILED in water prior to baking in a standard oven. The resultingis puffy with a moist crust.

**Montreal Bagel** contains malt and sugar with no salt; it is boiled in honey-sweetened water before baking in a wood-fired oven; and it is predominantly either of the poppy "black" or sesame "white" seeds variety, is smaller (though with a larger hole), crunchier, and sweeter.]

**The traditional London bagel (or beigel as it is spelled) is harder and has a coarser texture with air bubbles.

I stick to NY as usual.

"The Power of Introverts." by Susan Cain

"There's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.” (Susan Cain)

A very, very dear person to me, emailed me this video, & when I read the title I really did not recognize the direct message. After a year-and-a-half of a "New Life", totally forgot who I was before that, for 27 years... I was an introvert, & yes, circumstances drove me to become an extrovert, but I do miss A LOT my "suitcase" & at times, specially my creativity, in any projection, I adopt back that introvert inside me. I knew & now confirmed that this Cultural, Psychological, Social, Educational Globalization is letting each one of us, in our different shapes or forms, feel understood, & therefore, bring the best of us. 
Hope to help at least one more introvert <3