Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"The Power of Introverts." by Susan Cain

"There's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.” (Susan Cain)

A very, very dear person to me, emailed me this video, & when I read the title I really did not recognize the direct message. After a year-and-a-half of a "New Life", totally forgot who I was before that, for 27 years... I was an introvert, & yes, circumstances drove me to become an extrovert, but I do miss A LOT my "suitcase" & at times, specially my creativity, in any projection, I adopt back that introvert inside me. I knew & now confirmed that this Cultural, Psychological, Social, Educational Globalization is letting each one of us, in our different shapes or forms, feel understood, & therefore, bring the best of us. 
Hope to help at least one more introvert <3

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